Can Smart Home Automation Help Sell Your Home?

Homeowner holding their personal cell phone device that is connected smart home automation systems

Smart home automation is the delegation of tasks typically done manually to a programmable device. Just a few examples of tasks that are becoming automated are cleaning, lighting, temperature control, and security.

We will go over how each one of these tasks is handled and how the tech can help you not only live more comfortably but possibly raise the value of your home.

What is a Smart Home Automation System?

A Smart Home Automation System is defined as a network of hardware, communication, and electronic interfaces that work to integrate everyday devices with one another via the Internet. Each device has sensors and is connected through WiFi, so you can manage them from your smartphone or tablet whether you’re at home, or miles away.

Common Types of Home Automation

Most people are familiar with the RING doorbell. This is a great example of one of the most common types of home automation. The smart home automation system alerts your device no matter where you are if someone is at your door.

As mentioned this system can be tied into others via the internet such as lighting and audio to help shed light on possible threats.

Lighting for example can be connected to the home automation system and be set up to; turn on via motion sensor, dim automatically when it’s time for bed, turn off when you turn on your television, and even connect with your security system to light up when someone is at the door.

Benefits of Home Automation Systems

The limits of home automation are expanding constantly. One of the biggest benefits of home automation systems is how they can help boost your home’s real estate value, especially when it’s time to sell.

Here are the top 4 benefits homeowners with smart home equipment often see after integration.

#1: Reduced Energy Consumption & Power Bills

Smart homeowners have reduced energy consumption and power bill costs. The main way the automated systems cut down on energy use is by simply turning off lights and other electronics while they are not in use.

Forgetting to turn the lights off is no longer a concern if you have a smart system that detects when you leave the room to turn things off or put them in sleep mode.

This may not seem like much but it adds up. Plus, you are doing your part toward sustainable development.

#2: Easier Home Management

Since smart home systems are becoming more common they integrate into many different types of devices. Many smart homeowners find that their homes are easier to manage than traditional homeowners.

Automated cleaning robots and more conventional appliances can come equipped with smart technology. Things can be as simple as timed start and stop times or as nuanced as activating one’s personal devices in the home. Automated cleaning robots will disconnect from wifi the cleaning devices will turn on so as not to bother the occupants.

Maintaining a proper environment is also easier as there are dryers that have temperature switches to turn on in laundry rooms if the room temperatures get too hot or too humid while the unit is on. You also can get reminders about changing your air filters too!

#3: Less Expensive than Other Home Improvements

This is a less expensive home improvement option compared to refinishing your basement or remodeling the kitchen. One can certainly spend a lot of money on home automation if one wanted.

On average the addition of a few automated home systems can make the home more appealing without breaking the bank. While they might not have the same impact on your appraisal they certainly can enhance curb appeal, especially for younger buyers as millennial-aged buyers love them!

#4: Homes Are Less Cluttered

Smart home automation helps with the most essential part of making your home look more expensive – decluttering. With smart home automation homes are less cluttered since cords are not as needed.

Decluttering gives a more modern minimalist look. Less clutter also helps sell a home because the more personal items can make it hard for potential buyers to envision themselves there.

Should You Make Your House a Smart Home?

Making your house a smart home is not a fix-all for adding value to a home.

Some homes may not fit the bill for smart tech in regards to returning on investment. For example, an old farmhouse might not be suited for smart tech.

This really comes down to personal preference and who you are trying to market to. Be sure to do your research on which smart home automation can raise your home value the most.

If you feel smart tech would fit the home then it can be a great way to add a new-age feel to the home and attract a wider range of potential buyers with a much lower entry cost than finishing out a basement.